The Future of Video in Education
Every couple of years MyVRSpot hosts their Development Summit, with attendees ranging from Teachers and Principals to Directors of Technology, Communications Directors, and Superintendents. The multi-day event is designed as an open forum so attendees can share their thoughts and ideas. While part of the sessions focused on enhancing existing MyVRSpot services, the other sessions focused on exploring what the future of video in education might look like. The main goal of the Summits is to help us lay the ground work for future development, and this year’s Summit achieved that goal with flying colors.
While we pride ourselves on being receptive to customer suggestions throughout each school year, the Summit gives us an opportunity to dedicate several days in working with a varied group of experienced educators to help move ideas from just a vision into development.
Here are what some of this year’s attendees had to say about the Summit:
“It’s amazing to me that MyVRSpot takes the time to bring a group like this together. They really do listen to our feedback and our district’s specific needs,” explained Toni Sheets, Director of Technology at Harrisonburg City Schools, Virginia.
“The Summit was a wonderful experience. Not only did we explore our ideas about the technology, but we also created new methods to support our teachers and students using video and multimedia,” explained Sherri Miller, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher (ITRT) for Gloucester County Public Schools, Virginia.
Sheryl Sheatzly, Communications and Alumni Outreach Manager for the Hudson City School District in Ohio, summarized the Summit and MyVRSpot’s core mission, “The discussions weren’t just about MyVRSpot and their tools, but about using them to reinforce teaching and learning.”
“The Summit was a huge success! We look forward to the upcoming weeks, months, and years in turning many of the ideas that came out of the Summit into reality’, said Zach Lancaster, Chief Technology Officer at MyVRSpot.
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