Peer Teaching Enhanced with Student-Created Instructional Videos


In the ever-evolving landscape of education, innovative approaches continue to redefine the dynamics of learning. Peer teaching, a practice gaining increasing recognition, has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in fostering deeper comprehension and active engagement among students. Within this realm of collaborative learning amongst students, a particularly potent tool has emerged: student-created instructional videos. The fusion of peer teaching with the creation and sharing of instructional videos represents a paradigm shift in how knowledge is shared and acquired. In this digital age, where multimedia content reigns supreme, harnessing the power of student-generated videos adds a new dimension to the learning experience. These [...]

Peer Teaching Enhanced with Student-Created Instructional Videos2024-05-15T15:52:28+00:00

Video-Based Assessments: A Natural Fit for Modern Learning


In today’s digital age, video has become the preferred medium for students to absorb content. Whether it's a tutorial, a lecture, or a documentary, the power of video in capturing and retaining attention is undeniable. As education evolves, it's only natural to harness this engaging medium for assessing students' mastery of content. In this blog post, we explore the advantages of video-based assessments and why they are the perfect match for modern learners. Captivating and Engaging Video is a captivating medium that naturally draws in students. The combination of visuals, audio, and sometimes animation makes it more engaging than traditional [...]

Video-Based Assessments: A Natural Fit for Modern Learning2024-05-25T01:05:37+00:00
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